TraumaCad Glossary

Acetabulum An anatomical region in the pelvis - the crater that forms the pelvic side of the hip joint
Achondroplasia A birth deformity characterised by imperfect bone formation. It results in dwarfs with normal-sized heads but short arms and legs
Anatomic axis of bone The line drawn between to points, positioned at the center of a long bone
Anatomical region The area in the human body
Antegrade Direction from top of a bone to it's bottom (Used to define the direction in which an intramedulary nail is inserted)
AP view An AP film is when the beams pass from front-to-back (anteroposterior).
Arthroplasty Surgery to replace a joint with an artificial device.
Cobb angle A common geometric measurement designed for the evaluation of scoliosis
Commit To perform an actual update to a record. DICOM Commit sends the preoperative plan back to the PACS system for storage.
Congenital Referring to conditions that are present at birth, regardless of their causation
CORA Center Of Rotation at Angulation
Coronal Plane A vertical plane at right angles to a sagittal plane, dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions
CT A special radiographic technique that uses a computer to assimilate multiple X-ray images into a 2 dimensional cross-sectional image.
Cup Part of the hip replacement implant that replaces the Acetabular side
Deformity Deviation of a bone shape off it's usual anatomical shape
Deformity correction A field in orthopedic surgery dealing with the operations done to correct a deformed bone, trying to give it the normal anatomic shape
Diaphysis The shaft of a long bone
DICOM The most common format for image storage is DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine).
epiphyses A part of a long bone where growth bone growth occurs from
epiphysiodesis An operative procedure that partially or totally destroys an epiphysis to produce fusion of the epiphysis or premature cessation of its growth; generally undertaken to equalise leg length
Fracture Traumatic discontinuity of the bone
Fragment A small part of bone broken from it
Hallux Valgus A swelling or deformity at the head of the first metatarsal of the great toe (big toe)
Hemarthroplasty Surgery to replace only part of a joint with an artificial device.
Image Part of PACS architecture: Image is the lowest level - it defines one x-ray picture
Implant Artificial substitutes for body parts, materials inserted into tissue for functional or therapeutic purposes.
Joint replacement Surgery to replace a joint with an artificial device.
Kyphosis A posterior curvature of the thoracic spine
Lasso An image editing tool that enables you to select an irregular object by dragging the mouse around it (while the mouse button is held down) and letting go. You do not have to join the ends together. When the mouse button is released, the two ends are connected automatically.
LAT view Lateral view is when the beam crosses from one side to the other.
Leg length discrepancy The length difference between the legs
Mechanic axis of bone The line resembling forces applied on a bone
Metaphysis A conical section of bone between the epiphysis and diaphysis of long bones
Metatarsus That part of the skeleton of the hind or lower limb between the tarsus and phalanges; metatarse. It consists, in the human foot, of five bones
MRI A special imaging technique used to image internal structures of the body. It uses the influence of a large magnet to polarize hydrogen atoms in the tissues and then monitors the summation of the spinning energies within living cells.
Nails Afixation device introduced into the medullary canal of a long bone
Offset The anatomic distance between the center of femoral head and the middle of the femoral canal.
Ossified Ossification is the process of bone maturity where cartilage changes to firm solid bone
Osteotomy A surgical procedure involving cutting of a bone.
PACS In medical imaging, picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) are computers or networks dedicated to the storage, retrieval, distribution and presentation of images.
Pediatric orthopedic A field in orthopedic surgery dealing with typical orthopedic problems at young age and immature skeleton - among these problems: various deformities
Plates A flat, or nearly flat, piece of metal used to fix fractured bone fragments
Query To interrogate a collection of data such as records in a database. The term may also be used to search a single file or collection of files. DICOM Query can be done between a PACS and an application on a device.
Retrieve To call up data that has been stored in a computer system. When a user queries a database, the data are retrieved into the computer first and then transmitted to the screen. DICOM Retrieve can be done between a PACS and an application on a device.
Retrograde Direction from the bottom of a bone upwards (Used to define the direction in which an intramedulary nail is inserted)
Sagittal Plane The longitudinal vertical plane that divides the anatomical region into two parts (left and right.)
Scoliosis A congenital lateral curvature of the spine.
Screw A kind of nail with a spiral thread and a head with a nick to receive the end of the screw-driver. Screws are much used to hold together pieces of broken bone or to fasten something.
Series Part of PACS architecture: A series is a collection of images, usually relevant to an anatomic location or object. Such as two views (AP & LAT) of the same region of interest.
size Orthopedic implants have sizes to fit into the desired anatomic location - usually a bone
spondylolisthesis Forward movement of one vertebra in relation to an adjacent vertebra
Stem Part of the hip replacement implant that replaces the femoral side
Study Part of PACS architecture: A study is the collection of all series of images for a given patient.
Talus (Talar) The astragalus = The ankle bone, or hock bone; the bone of the tarsus which articulates with the tibia at the ankle
Template A drawing of an Implant - available at the 2 main views of x-ray: AP & LAT
Tibial Plateau The flat face of proximal Tibia that creates the distal side of the knee joint
Total ankle replacement Surgery to replace a joint with an artificial device that re-establishes normal ankle joint motion.
Total hip replacement Surgery to replace a joint with an artificial device that re-establishes normal hip joint motion. Indicated in cases of severe intractable degenerative arthritis.
Total knee replacement Surgery to replace a joint with an artificial device that re-establishes normal knee joint motion. Indicated in cases of severe intractable degenerative arthritis.
Total shoulder replacement Surgery to replace a joint with an artificial device that re-establishes normal shoulder joint motion.
Traspose Switching the view from AP to LAT (or vice-versa)
Trauma Injury
Triradiate cartilage A cartilaginous structure in the immature pelvis
X-ray A form of imaging technique used in clinical practice, using a type of irradiation crossing through the body examined.
X-ray film A film base coated with an emulsion designed for use with X-rays



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